What was the year 2023 for Dnipro Agro Group?

What was the year 2023 for Dnipro Agro Group?
The general director of Dnipro Agro Group, Dmytro Guletskyi, commented for dniproagro.com:
“For Dnipro Agro Group, the year 2023 turned out to be quite fruitful. Both the weather conditions and the coordinated and professional work of the team contributed to this.
I was especially pleased with the yield of sunflowers.
Planned indicators for sunflower were fulfilled by 100%. And the yield at some enterprises of Dnipro Agro Group reached 26.3 t/ha. In total, sunflower was harvested from 12,765.1 ha.
More than 100% of planned indicators were also achieved in the cultivation of winter crops — wheat and rape. We got a good result on wheat. Harvested from 12,292.4 hectares with an average yield of 52.4 t/ha for the group of companies. Which provided 110% of the planned gross collection.
Rape was harvested from 578.1 hectares. The average yield in 2023 was 35.7 t/ha
The main crops in Dnipro Agro Group for 2024 are winter wheat and rapeseed and sunflower. We have 6,349.5 hectares under winter wheat crops (almost 100% of the plan). Rapeseed crops are actually 4,619 hectares
We hope for a fruitful year 2023-2024 and thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to work on our land.”