1. Industrial Safety
Dnipro Agro Group pays great attention to issues of guaranteeing the safety of the production process, creating safe working conditions for the company’s employees and protecting their health.
The Group’s industrial safety policy is based on the following principles:
- сompliance of production activities with the requirements and norms established by legislation,
- observance of the balance of the interests of business and society in the development and implementation by the Company of an investment policy regarding safe production,
- centralization of functions in the field of industrial safety in the Department of Labor Protection,
- systematic control over safety at work,
- interaction with state bodies of control and supervision in matters of industrial safety
- Dnipro Agro Group’s strategy in the field of environmental protection and industrial safety has a long-term and comprehensive nature. Taking into account the specifics and volume of its production activities, the company makes efforts to reduce the level of pressure on nature and compensate for the negative impact on the environment.
Dnipro Agro Group highlights the following areas of environmental protection measures:
- industrial environmental monitoring;
- preservation and rational use of water resources;
- atmospheric air protection;
- land protection;
- resource conservation and energy efficiency.
- for the implementation of the environmental policy at the enterprise, an environmental protection department was created, the task of which is to manage the activities of branches and its regulation in the field of environmental protection.
2. Environmental protection
The strategy of Dnipro Agro Group in the field of environmental protection and industrial safety has a long-term and comprehensive nature. Considering the scale and scope of its production activities, the company makes efforts to reduce the level of pressure on nature and compensate for the negative impact on the environment.
3. Cooperation with regions
Effective business is not possible without close cooperation with local authorities and communities. Therefore, Dnipro Agro Group considers its participation in the development of the regions of presence to be an important area of social responsibility. One of the forms of cooperation with regions is social contracts with local councils. Under the terms of the contract, the Company deducts a certain amount from each hectare of land leased in a specific area to the local budget. Funds received by the regions under such social contracts are then used to solve priority issues of the local community, such as road repair and street lighting.
DniproAgroGroup also actively supports the holding of exhibitions and festivals, the celebration of public holidays and events of local importance, participates in the organization of village days and field days. A good tradition in the Company is to greet children with New Year’s gifts in all settlements where it works.
4. Social policy
The Group’s social policy is aimed at ensuring a high level of employee motivation, maintaining health, guaranteeing safe and comfortable working conditions and, thus, increasing the level of their corporate culture and loyalty.
The social policy of Dnipro Agro Group is based on the following principles:
- compliance with current labor legislation,
- ensuring a decent and competitive level of remuneration,
- development of management potential of employees,
- social support of employees,
- creation of safe working conditions and health protection of all employees.
Aware of its social responsibility as one of the largest employers, Dnipro Agro Group invests in the development of its personnel, creating opportunities for self-realization and training of employees.
5. Charity
The social program implemented by Dnipro Agro Group covers schools and preschools, boarding schools for children with physical disabilities, hospitals, cultural centers, located mainly in areas where the Group’s production facilities are located.
Repairs of the premises, as well as other necessary restoration works, are carried out annually at the Group’s expense. In schools and orphanages, computer classes are opened, and the Internet is available.
“Rural School”. The professionalism of teachers and their well-being, the technical and material support of educational institutions, the creation of appropriate conditions for teachers and students – these are the components of successful schooling.
“Kindergarten”. Helping children and caring for their future is one of the priority areas of the Foundation’s work. We decided to arrange the life of a small citizen in rural kindergartens in such a way that he would be interesting and comfortable there during the day.
“Health”. 2015 is the beginning of great changes and reforms for our country, but their implementation will take time. Sometimes a person’s life depends on elementary things – availability of medicines, specialists, medical equipment, transport, fuel.
“Village councils” – within the framework of this project, the Fund will help village councils to solve problematic issues that concern the entire community: street lighting, cemetery fencing, construction of children’s playgrounds, reconstruction of the monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War, purchase of technical means of communication, computer equipment, household equipment, arrangement of premises of village councils.
5. Sports
Within the framework of this project, it is primarily the support and development of the Dnipro Agro children’s football team for several years. The group not only finances, but also supports, cheers and cares for this project.