Dnipro Agro Group is currently sowing winter crops for the 2022 harvest


Dnipro Agro Group is currently sowing winter crops for the 2022 harvest.
The enterprises of the group have finished sowing winter rapeseed, for which 7.47 thousand hectares have been allocated. The largest share in the structure of winter crops will be occupied by wheat, it is planned to sow 8.56 thousand ha, another 0.29 thousand ha is allocated for winter barley.

In total, for the 2022 harvest, Dnipro Agro Group plans to sow 16.39 thousand hectares with winter crops.

“We finished sowing rape at the same time at all enterprises of Dnipro Agro Group. Weather conditions were favorable. Periodic rainfall contributed to the sowing of rapeseed. Following these works, we joined the sowing of winter wheat, “said the General Director of Dnipro Agro Group, Dmytro Guletskyi.

Simultaneously with the sowing company, a harvesting campaign is underway at the enterprises of Dnipro Agro Group.
The harvest of early cereals and rape has already been collected from 100% of the planned areas.

Sunflower harvesting is also underway at Dnipro Agro Group.
As of September 16, 2021. sunflower was collected from 26.2% of the areas, which was 32.5% of the planned gross collection.

The current yield was 31 t/ha. This exceeds the planned indicators for the group of companies and the average for the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In the future, Dnipro Agro Group plans to prepare
of the soil for sowing sunflower seeds and treating rapeseed crops with growth regulators.

According to the data of Harvest Online 2021 on September 16, 2021. in the Dnipropetrovsk region, 335.4 thousand tons were threshed, which is 27.3% of the forecast with a yield of 20.5 t/ha.

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