Dnipro Agro Group has a sunflower sowing campaign, about 30% of the area is under sunflower

посівна кампанія соняшника


At Dnipro Agro Group, the sunflower sowing campaign is in full swing.

In this marketing year, 13,532.3 hectares of the land bank were allocated for sunflower.

Today, about 30% of the allocated areas are under sunflower.

The enterprises of the Dnipro Agro group of companies consider sunflower to be one of the main agricultural crops of the group.

A feature of this year’s sowing company is the insufficient amount of precipitation.

Under such agro-climatic conditions established in the Dnipropetrovsk region in the locations of enterprises, Dnipro Agro Group specialists have to significantly adjust the production program.

Despite this and working in a dangerous region, the enterprises of the group are performing planned indicators and will soon reach the finish line for sunflower crops.

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