Dnipro Agro Group traditionally occupies a leading position among agricultural companies and is included in the TOP 100 rating according to latifundist.com
Our main value is people. In order to attract and retain specialists, we constantly improve the motivation system and make it as personalized as possible.
This is confirmed by the slogan of Dnipro Agro Group: We grow success!
We offer:
- market wage conditions (or above market);
- official employment and a full social package;
- white salary;
- opportunity for professional development.
Key corporate values
- Respect for the personal rights and interests of our employees, customer requirements, terms of interaction proposed by business partners, society.
- Fairness, which provides for remuneration in accordance with the achieved results and equal conditions for professional growth.
- Honesty in dealing with and providing information necessary for our work.
- Efficiency as a stable achievement of maximum results in everything we do.
- Courage to confront what is unacceptable to us and to take personal responsibility for the consequences of our own decisions.
- Care that is manifested in our desire to protect people from any harm to their life and health and to preserve the surrounding environment.
- Trust in employees, which allows you to delegate authority and responsibility for decision-making and their implementation.
- Professionalism – deep knowledge of one’s specialty, timely and high-quality performance of assigned tasks, constant improvement of professional knowledge and skills.
- Initiative – the activity and independence of employees in optimizing the production process.
- Prudence is a responsible and prudent approach to the use of the Group’s assets, own working time and the working time of other employees.
- Openness to dialogue – open and honest exchange of information, readiness to jointly work out an optimal solution.
You can view current vacancies of Dnipro Agro Group HERE