At all enterprises of the group of companies “Dnipro Agro Group” sunflower sowing has been completed


The enterprises of Dnipro Agro Group reported on the completion of the sunflower sowing company.

Dnipro Agro Group is a group of companies whose main activity is the production, storage and sale of grain and oil crops.

The group of companies engaged in crop production includes the following enterprises:

  • “Vidrodzhennya” LLC
  • LLC “Dniproagroalliance”
  • “Agrofirm Skhid Agro” LLC
  • “Peremoha” LLC

As a result, the sowing company planted 12,650 hectares of sunflowers.

In total, 10,520 hectares are used for winter crops (including 4,180 hectares for rapeseed and 6,340 hectares for wheat)

This season, as before, the company invested in better seed material and improved cultivation technology for better results.

A new scheme for applying plant protection products was developed and new drugs were involved. Fertilization of crops was also planned and carried out: foliar and basal.

Together with the planting of sunflowers, work was carried out on the care of winter crops, their chemical treatment was carried out on thousands of hectares.

Treatment with insurance herbicides has begun on sunflower crops, the first seedlings are treated with fungicides and insecticides against diseases and pests.

The next month will be devoted to crop care and preparation for the harvesting company.

We expect to start it in the second decade of June.

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